Snuggle Wraps™ Pediatric Arm Immobilizers
are the cool and comfortable solution
to keep little hands safely away.

Snuggle Wraps™ Pediatric Arm Immobilizers
are the cool and comfortable solution
to keep little hands safely away.
Offering Innovative Solutions for Care and Recovery
Snuggle Wraps pediatric arm immobilizers are the cool and comfortable solutions for when your child is required to wear arm restraints. Wearing arm restraints isn't one of the joys of life, but it is our goal to help make that experience easier and more comfortable. Snuggle Wraps are not thick, hot and bulky like other arm restraints for babies or child arm immobilizers. The cool ventilated areas allow air flow to the skin which actually provides the feel of not wearing arm restraints other than not being able to bend your arms. Your baby will be cooler and more comfortable.
Arm immobilizers are often referred to as other names such as arm restraints, arm splints, elbow immobilizers, arm braces, etc. They are commonly used following cleft lip and palate surgery.
US Patent #6,000,402
Snuggle Wraps pediatric arm immobilizers are the cool and comfortable solutions for when your child is required to wear arm restraints. The cool ventilated areas allow air flow to the skin which actually provides the feel of not wearing arm restraints other than not being able to bend your arms. Your baby will be coole
US Patent #6,000,402
Snuggle Wraps pediatric arm immobilizers are the cool and comfortable solutions for when your child is required to wear arm restraints. The cool ventilated areas allow air flow to the skin which actually provides the feel of not wearing arm restraints other than not being able to bend your arms. Your baby will be cooler and more comfortable. No shoulder strap needed, no bulkiness.
arm restraints for babies
Perfect Bottle For Feeding After Surgery!
Soft squeezable 90ml bottle for use when syringe or cup feeding is recommended. Infant formula is easily dispensed and controlled with the ultra squeezable bottle. Recommended for use after oral or cleft lip and palate surgery.
arm restraints for babies arm immobilizers
arm restraints for babies arm immobilizers for babies Bottles after surgery Sign up to hear from us.
Pediatric Medical Solutions
PO Box 1904
Johns Island, SC 29457
(843) 762-6769
Fax (866) 332-0628
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